If you recently had sex (protected or unprotected) and your period is late, there is a possibility you are pregnant. Over-the-counter pregnancy tests are somewhat reliable, but often women take them at the wrong time or don’t follow the directions correctly. It is even possible to get a positive result on a home pregnancy test and not be pregnant! Look through our list of early pregnancy symptoms and see if you are experiencing any of these too.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

In the early stages of pregnancy, there are several symptoms you could experience. Since every pregnancy is as unique as you are, you may notice all of them, none of them or a combination. While the most common sign of pregnancy is a missed period, here are some others:

  • Nausea and Possible Vomiting (Morning Sickness)
  • Food Aversions
  • Darkening of the Nipples
  • Frequent Urination
  • Spotting
  • Cramping
  • Mood Swings
  • Fatigue

The Mayo Clinic reports about 10 to 20% of known pregnancies end in a natural miscarriage. Most of these occur early in a pregnancy, sometimes before a woman even realizes she’s pregnant. Various factors, such as being under or overweight, smoking, or your age, are reasons for miscarrying. It’s even possible to receive a positive home pregnancy test result weeks after you have already miscarried.

Confirming Your Pregnancy

If you have taken an over-the-counter pregnancy test and the results were positive, your next step is to have the test confirmed at the Pregnancy Resource Center. We offer lab-quality pregnancy tests that are 99% accurate. The test is completely free. If you are pregnant, you will be provided with documents needed to secure WIC, Medicaid, and other beneficial resources for you and your baby.

We want to help you

We don’t just say it, we mean it…we do truly care about you. At the Pregnancy Resource Center, there is no judgment about your situation or you. Our staff will listen to your concerns about being pregnant and talk with you about your dreams for the future. We are here to help you in any way we can. Talk with someone you can trust, make an appointment at the Pregnancy Resource Center today.

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